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The TDLR Review / Inspection Process consists of three required elements:

STEP 1. Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation [TDLR] Project Registration:

By sending us a completed TDLR Project Registration Form, we would complete the TDLR Online Registration to obtain the TDLR/AB Project Number needed for the City Building Permit Application.  


*** Architect Provides: Completed TDLR Project Registration Request

*** ECD Provides:  TDLR Registration Confirmation Page


*** TDLR charges a $175.00 filing fee in order to register the project. If you ask us to register the project for you, we must pay $175.00 up front on your behalf and you will need to reimburse us for that expense. We charge an additional $25.00 administrative service fee to register the project for you. We will invoice you for $200 (registration + admin fee) when you submit drawings for the plan review.

STEP 2. TAS Plan Review:

Using construction documents submitted by your office [typically around the time the plans are issued for permitting and construction], we would complete at TAS Plan Review of the project and send a TAS Plan Review Worksheet to your office to confirm the findings.  


*** Architect Provides: PDF construction documents and completed Proof of Submission Form

*** ECD Provides: TAS Plan Review Worksheet

STEP 3. TAS Site Inspection:

After construction is completed for the project, we would conduct the TAS Site Inspection of the project [on-site walk-thru] and send a TAS Inspection Worksheet to both your office and the Building Owner.


*** Architect / Tenant or Owner Provides: Completed TDLR Request for Inspection Form signed by the Owner or Owner's Designated Agent

*** ECD Provides: TAS Site Inspection Worksheet

*** A TDLR Owner Agent Designation Form [if applicable]


ECD Design / Accessibility

6101 Woodview Ave. Austin, TX, 78757

(512) 374 -1696


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